Donate $5.00 to LDI and Receive an I.D. Tag
For every $5.00 donation, you are eligible for one (1) free engraved name tag, which includes your pet's name and two contact phone numbers.  Due to the various limitations on certain tags - we are refraining from engraving addresses at this time.

We are also offering military and rivet dog tags for a minimal donation of $10.00. The military tag includes the chain, silencer and tag.

If you have any questions - please email us at

If you are including an additional donation over the tag minimum, please let us know at the bottom of the order form under special instructions to avoid confusion. We appreciate your generous donation and thank you from the bottom of our heart!
PLEASE NOTE:  Please verify that your payment has gone through.  Thank you!
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Tag color and size options vary by shape
Name and Address
Where would you like us to send the tag(s)?
Your Name *
First and Last
Street Address *
Include P.O. Box, unit #
City, State *
Example: Chicago, IL
Zip Code *
Example:  60656
Your Contact Phone Number: *
Should we have any questions about your tag and need to contact you. (Format: xxx-xxx-xxxx)
Your email address: *
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