"Bring a Friend" Registration, Career Day
Columbia Christian School is hosting a Career Day on Friday, April 22, 8:30AM-3:20PM
Participants will have a fun time attending a variety of sessions that will help them plan and prepare for life after high school graduation.

Non-Columbia students from 8th-12th grade are invited to be our guests for the day!
Complete the registration information below to sign up. (Must be filled out by a parent/guardian.)

Questions about the event can be sent to Admissions Director Carrie Rude: admissions@columbiachristian.com.

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Email *
Parent/Guardian First Name *
Parent/Guardian Last Name *
Parent/Guardian Phone Number(s) *
Additional Emergency Contact Person First Name *
Additional Emergency Contact Person Last Name *
Additional Emergency Contact Person Phone Number *
Student First Name *
Student Last Name *
Student's Current Grade Level *
What school does your child currently attend? *
Does your child have any medical conditions or allergies? *
If yes, please describe or list:
Name of current Columbia student you wish for your child to be paired with (if known, first and last name): *
Lunch Policies / Options: Visiting students will receive a $5 credit to use at our high school cafe'. They can opt to purchase simple lunch items there or they may bring lunch from home (microwaves are available to use). Additionally, 10th-12th grade students have the opportunity to enjoy off-campus privileges during the lunch period. *
Parent Approval: Your typed name on this form is considered your signature to indicate approval for your student to attend school for the day as a guest. In an emergency, Columbia Christian School has my permission to provide medical care (including first aid and CPR), and to call an ambulance or to take my student to any available physician or hospital at my expense and to obtain medical treatment for my student. In most emergencies, 911 is called and the student is transported to the nearest hospital and seen by the doctor on call. (Parents are always notified as soon as possible.) By esigning below, I agree that I assume all risk for death, injury, or personal loss to my child at school, school-sponsored events, and any time on campus. Further, I will forever hold harmless Columbia Christian School, its employees, and representatives against loss, damage, or expense from any and all claims, demands, or actions that may be brought against any or all of the said parties because of accident or occurrence. The electronic signature in this form and its related fields are treated by Columbia Christian School like physical handwritten signatures on a paper form. PARENT/GUARDIAN, type full name below: *
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