Making a Pitch for a One-Night-Only Event to the EAG Events Committee
Since 1923, the Episcopal Actors' Guild (EAG) has provided emergency financial aid and career support to New York City’s professional performing artists. We are also dedicated to helping emerging artists advance their careers through scholarships, awards, and performance opportunities. 

EAG is not only a nonsectarian 501(c)(3) charitable organization, we also have a membership that welcomes the participation of all those who are interested in celebrating the talent and dedication needed to sustain a career in the performing arts. 

EAG's Events Committee works to bring entertaining, illuminating, and/or insightful one-night-only fundraising events, many featuring Guild members, to Guild Hall or the EAG Zoom approximately once a month. Past events have included play readings, cabarets, concerts, screenings, and panel discussions. All proceeds from these events go directly to helping actors, singers, or dancers in need. 
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Email *
Name *
Phone Number
Are you a member of the Episcopal Actors' Guild? *
Tell us about your proposed Event:
What is the title/working title of the Event you wish to present as a one-night-only fundraiser for EAG? *
Would your Event happen in-person at Guild Hall in front of a live audience or on EAG's Zoom? *
EAG is not currently producing hybrid events.
In 100 words or less, how would you describe your Event? *
What is the approximate running time? *
Have you presented this event before? If yes, when and to whom? *
Do you have a website, Facebook page, or YouTube clip where we could see a sample of your work or find more information about your proposed event? If so, please share those links with us.
Scheduling EAG Events:
  • The Events Committee meets once a month to consider proposals for events and sets the EAG Events Calendar several months in advance.
  • EAG's events are typically held on either Monday or Thursday evenings with a 7:00pm curtain time.
  • EAG's events are allowed up to four hours of rehearsal time in Guild Hall. These hours must be scheduled with the EAG staff in advance and must take place during weekday business hours. Rehearsals are typically scheduled for 2:00pm-6:00pm on the day of the performance.
When/which month are you hoping to do your Event? *
Please keep in mind that our events are booked three to six months in advance. (February, June, and August are not available due to other annual programming taking place in Guild Hall at those times.) 
Our Events are typically scheduled for either Monday or Thursday evenings. Which day of the week would work best for you? *
Guild Hall, the Episcopal Actors' Guild's unique Manhattan venue:
You are highly encouraged to familiarize yourself with our unique, historic space before pitching your event to the Committee ( If you have not been to Guild Hall before and would like to see it in person, please call or email us and we will be happy to schedule an appointment for a brief walk through.
Are you familiar with Guild Hall? *
Any specific technical requirements? *
Does this event require specific sound or light cues? projection of slides or video? microphones? a piano?
Personnel for EAG Events:
EAG will set up online ticketing for the event. EAG will also provide someone to work the box office/door on the night of the event and to check compliance with our COVID safety rules, but you must provide any board ops, stage managers, etc. that you may need for the event.
If your Event is selected, do you agree to provide all personnel required for your Event? *
Will you be using union performers in your Event? *
If so, you may be required to get clearance from the Theatre Authority in advance of your Event.
Marketing your Event:
Who is the intended audience for this Event? *
If your Event is selected, how would you promote it to your audience? *
EAG promotes all of our events (on social media, in email blasts, etc.) but we will need your help if we are going to fill the house and raise some funds. How are you planning to get people in the seats?
If your Event is selected, do you agree to respond in a timely manner to requests for cast lists, bios, promotional images, etc.? *
EAG's Covid Safety Rules:
As of May 1, 2023, masks are strongly recommended but no longer required in Guild Hall. Please stay home if you are sick or if you have tested positive for covid. 

For more details, please visit
If your Event is selected, do you agree to abide by all rules of the space including any COVID-19 safety protocols in place at the time of your event? *
Anything else you think we should know? *
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