Habitat for Humanity Genesee County Volunteer Survey
Please complete this survey upon volunteering with us! This survey is confidential and helps us to make your volunteer experience as great as it can be. Thank you for supporting Habitat's mission.
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Please choose the answer which best reflects your last volunteer experience: *
Which volunteer activity did you participate in during your last volunteer experience?
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Please share your opinion on the following statement based on your last volunteer experience: Clear instructions were given. *
No Instructions were given
Clear informative instructions were given
Please share your opinion on the following statement based on your last volunteer experience: I had the support and tools needed to accomplish my activities. *
I had no tools or support to accomplish my activities
I had all the tools and support I needed to accomplish my activities
Please share your opinion on the following statement based on your last volunteer experience: I felt appreciated by Habitat Genesee Staff and Core Volunteers. *
I did not feel appreciated by Habitat Staff or Core Volunteers
I felt greatly appreciated by Habitat Staff and Core Volunteers
Please share your opinion on the following statement based on your last volunteer experience: My role gave me a sense of accomplishment. *
I did not feel any sense of accomplishment by my role
I felt a fulfilling sense of accomplishment by my role
Please share your opinion on the following statement based on your last volunteer experience: I used my skills and abilities to do meaningful work. *
My skills and abilities were not utilized to do meaningful work.
My skills and abilities were used to do meaningful work
Please share your opinion on the following statement based on your last volunteer experience: Volunteering allowed me to build relationships with other volunteers and members of the community. *
Volunteering did not allow me to build relationships with other volunteers or members of the community
Volunteering did allowed me to build relationships with other volunteers and members of the community.
Please share your opinion on the following statement based on your last volunteer experience: Saftey was a priority. *
Safety was not a priority
Safety was a significant priority
Were you satisfied with the guidance and supervision gave by Habitat Genesee staff? *
Please share your opinion on the following statement based on your last volunteer experience: Were you comfortable in the environment where the volunteer activities took place? *
The environment I was volunteering in made me uncomfortable
I was comfortable in the environment that I was volunteering in
The questions I had were answered. *
Please share your opinion on the following statement based on your last volunteer experience: Volunteering increased my awareness of community needs *
Volunteering did not increase my awareness of community needs
Volunteering significantly increased my awareness of community needs.
Please share your opinion on the following statement based on your last volunteer experience: I learned something new or gained new skills. *
I did not learn anything new or gain any skills
I learned many new things and gained many new skills
Please share your opinion on the following statement based on your last volunteer experience: I left feeling my time was well spent. *
I left feeling my time was wasted
I left feeling that volunteering was a beneficial use of my time
Please share your opinion on the following statement based on your last volunteer experience: I enjoyed my volunteer experience. *
I did not enjoy my volunteer experience.
I thoroughly enjoyed my volunteer experience.
 Please share your opinion on the following statement based on your last volunteer experience: I felt welcomed, was introduced, and was asked to sign in upon arrival. *
Please share your opinion on the following statement based on your last volunteer experience: I was satisfied with what was accomplished. *
Please share your opinion based on your last volunteer experience: There was an atmosphere of teamwork among staff and volunteers. *
Please share your opinion based on your last volunteer experience: I was thanked and asked to sign out upon departure. *
Please specify what you would think could be improved in order to provide a better volunteer experience. *
Would you volunteer with Habitat Genesee again? *
Would you recommend volunteering with Habitat Genesee to others *
Thank you for completing this survey, we hope to see you on-site again soon!
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