Be a H.A.R.D. - V.I.P.   Volunteer in Parks
The mission of the Hayward Area Recreation and Park District is to enrich the quality of life for our community by providing a variety of recreation activities, parks, and facilities that promote health and wellness, learning and fun.  Volunteers dedication and dependability are essential in helping us reach our mission.  Sign up to be a H.A.R.D.- V.I.P. and help give a local park a little TLC! (These events take place between 9AM-12PM.)
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Have you signed up for VIP before? *
Name (First, Last) *
Email Address *
Phone Number (include area code)
Volunteer Interest  (park dates and locations subject to change)
Is there any special needs or requirements we should know of?
Are you signing up with a group organization? If yes, please share their info below. 
Are you signing up for a COURT ORDER community service hours? If yes, please contact Julie Williams at *
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