WME Quiz 101 - Editors' jargon
*** This quiz was created by top community members, content and responses are not supervised by Waze  ***

When you start being active with map editing in Waze, you will quickly notice that editors use special words or expressions that are difficult for others to understand (jargon), this quiz will go through some of the most common ones to test your own knowledge and eventually teach you some along the way.
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Answer the questions or find what the abbreviation stands for
MP *
UR *
In reference to "UR" above, a "PUR" is a *
/!\ Please write your answer with a Capital letter at the start of each word (example: "The Big Tree" and not "the big tree")
When someone speaks about L3, L2 or R1, R5, what do you think they mean? *
CM *
Check as many as you want
AM *
When speaking about servers for the Editor. NA is for... *
...IL is for... *
...and which one is correct for ROW? *
When you hear editors talk about a MR or MMR, they're talking about *
For PL, PLA and PLR, does "PL" always mean the same thing for all three cases? *
For these 5 WME elements (PP, RPP, AP, HN, MTE) find their correct meanings in Waze. *
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