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Open Data Day(s) 2024 - Event Registration
Please register your Open Data Day event here. We'll then pull the information and show it on the map at
Have any questions? You can post them in the Open Data Day google group!forum/open-data-day
or contact us at
* Indicates required question
Record my email address with my response
Event name
What is the name of your event.
Your answer
Event organiser
The name of the organization(s) or individuals who are organizing the event. If possible, please add a contact email, so people can reach out to you.
Your answer
Event date
Please provide the possible event date. For 2023,
we offer the opportunity for organisations to host the Open Data Day event on the best date for their location between March 4th and 10th.
Event purpose
What are you hoping to achieve in your event? Please write one sentence (30 words max)
Your answer
The URL of your event, this will allow people to find the event and register or participate more easily.
Your answer
Number of Participants
If you know the number of participants you will be able to host or the number you expect, you can add it here.
Your answer
Define the city where your event will take place.
Your answer
This will add the marker on the map. To find the numbers for Latitude and Longitude, you can use a tool like
Your answer
This will add the marker on the map. To find the numbers for Latitude and Longitude, you can use a tool like
Your answer
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