USYS Piedmont Conference Hotel Request Form | Oct. 12-13 | Bryan Park
*If your team needs discounted hotel rooms, please complete this Form (Takes about 1 min)

*You will then be sent a list of hotel options, amenities and negotiated discount rates for the event.
*Any questions: don't hesitate to get in touch with the Event specialist | Gary Gartner | - (336) 554-3630.

We will reply to your request in less than 24 hours

To reserve individual rooms click here (3 rooms or less)

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Email *
Club Name | Team Name Only *
Best Contact Name *
Best Contact Number *
Best contact email *
Gender *
Approx # of Rooms Needed Per Night *
Will you need rooms for *
Communication Preference(s) | Check All that apply *
Where are you traveling from?
For those that have stayed/played here before, do you have a hotel preference you would like to stay at again
Would you like us to contact you for popular &/or local restaurants that are sports-friendly? 
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Any other information or special request you would like for us to know?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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