Join the Citizen Science Community Delft
We are forming a community of practice to connect those who are involved or would like to get involved in Citizen Science projects at TU Delft. Please, join us to discuss best practices, share your experiences, investigate challenges and ways to make Citizen Science at TU Delft easier and more fun.

This community will be formed under the larger umbrella of the Open Science Community Delft. Members of this community are, therefore, expected to abide by the same code of conduct.

Data Privacy Policy:
The personal data collected here is use for the Citizen Science Community Delft coordinator to add you to the community mailing list(s) and other communication channels and understand the demographic composition of our community. Your data will be stored in the community drive. The community drive is only accessible by the community coordinator.

By submitting this form, you agree to the above data privacy policy.

If you have any questions about joining the community, please contact Tanya Yankelevich at 
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Name *
TU Delft e-mail 

Please use your email address - we do this to confirm that you are indeed a member of TUD.
e.g. PhD Candidate, Assistant Professor
Faculty *
Wajib diisi
Department (if applicable)
Do you agree to abide by our community Code of Conduct?

Our Code of Conduct: We require that all our members abide by the Code.
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