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Submit Video to NobodySurf®︎
Submit your surf video to get featured on NobodySurf app, social media, website, and YouTube.
*Please keep in mind that we do not guarantee for the feature.
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Your email
Video Link URL
Vimeo or YouTube (not Instagram posts)
Your answer
Copyright of the Video
Yes, I own the copyright of this video.
No, I don't own the copyright but I think this is a great video.
Your Full Name with Instagram account
Your answer
Your Email
Your answer
Film Location
Point, Area, Country (e.g. Swamis, Encinitas, San Diego, California, USA) *it doesn't have to be too specific
Your answer
Full name of the Surfers with Instagram account
Please write down the full name and Instagram account In the order of appearance
Your answer
Category of the Surfers
Full name of the Filmers with Instagram account
Please write down the full name and Instagram account
Your answer
Full name of the Editor with Instagram account
Please write down the full name and Instagram account
Your answer
Surfboard Information
Brand, length, dimention, etc
Your answer
Other Information
Any info you'd like to add
Your answer
Name of the track and the artist ("song title" by Artist)
Your answer
Music License
Do you have a license to use this music on your video?
Fin type
Collaboration with NobodySurf YouTube Channel
Are you interested in uploading this video to NobodySurf YouTube Channel and get more exposure? If selected "Yes", we may contact you by email. (*You must have full licenses of both video and music)
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If you are the copyright holder of the video, by submitting your video here you grant NobodySurf permission to share the video on NobodySurf iOS/Android app, website, social media, and YouTube Playlist. Contact us if you have any questions:
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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