CorEdNet September 2024-2025 Academic Year Registration Form 
Dear Parent,

Please fill in ONE form per child, to register for our KS3 and IGCSE Maths and Physics courses.

*Lessons for each class are for one twice a week.
*All lessons are online and all material is provided.

KS3 MATHS P1 and P2

*The total cost is to be paid in 4 week blocks via Paypal invoice (£3.50 per hour).
*KS3 P1&P2 - Two x 1hr lessons per week - £28 for 4 week block. 
*The course will cover the relevant content for KS3 level maths according to the UK curriculum.

IGCSE MATHS - 2025 and 2026

*The total cost is to be paid in 4 week blocks via Paypal invoice (£5.50 per hour).
*2026 Maths: First year of 2 year course -  Two x 1hr 15min lessons per week - £55 for 4 week block.
*2025 Maths: Second year of 2 year course -  Two x 1hr 30min lessons per week - £66 for 4 week block.
*The course will cover the relevant content for the EdExcel IGCSE exam UK curriculum.

(Subject to cancellation if the minimum number of students isn't met.)

*The total cost is to be paid in 4 week blocks via Paypal invoice (£5.50 per hour).
*2025 Physics: One year course - One x 1hr 30min lessons per week - £33 for 4 week block.
*The course will cover the relevant content for the EdExcel IGCSE exam UK curriculum.

Our contact details:
Whatsapp: +44 7584 306 181
Instagram: @corednet00
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Email *
Please make sure the above email address belongs to the student's parent? *
Parents name/s? *
Parents whatsapp contact number? *
Were you referred to us by an existing parent/student?
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If yes, by who? (Please give name and email)
How did you hear about CorEdNet?
Child's full name: *
Child's age: *
Is you child home educated? *
Is your child currently waiting for a school place? *
Please choose the course you are registering for below: (IGCSE Level courses are aimed towards EdExcel exam board) *
Child's email address (Please note a google account will be needed to access homework and recordings)
Please provide information of the maths your child has covered already if they have not studied with us before...
Does your child have any special educational needs or any other additional needs? If so please give a brief summary below.
Please make a one-off registration payment using the following link and write your child's name as a reference: 

(Alternatively, use to send via Paypal the standard way.)
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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