FoEM Leadership Interest Form (23-25)
Foundations of Emergency Medicine (FoEM) periodically has leadership positions or curricular development and process improvement projects that would benefit from diverse perspectives with varying levels of engagement.  If you are interested in being contacted with opportunities as projects arise, please complete the form below.
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Email *
Full Name *
Affiliated Institution *
Preferred Email (if different from above):
*Please add to your contacts to prevent blocked communications from our team.
Level of Training *
Potential Level of Involvement *
Please select the highest level of involvement you might be able to commit to.
Do you have any specialized training or expertise that may serve our team?
Examples include: fellowship training of any kind, advanced degrees, other specialized training, prior career experience, artist/graphic design, social media guru, medicolegal insight, data analytics/informatics, website design, etc.
Is there a particular team, project, or type of involvement that interests you?
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