Yachad 2024-2025 Registration
Dear Parents:

Thank you for choosing Yachad Religious School for your child's religious school education.  We are excited to have your child join us for the 2024-2025 school year.

Grades K-7 will meet on Sundays from 9:00 - 11:30 am at Temple Emanu-El.  Grades 4 - 7 also meet on Wednesdays from 4:30 - 6:00pm at Congregation Beth Shalom.  Our Teens are invited to become Madrichim and stay for leadership development classes on Sunday mornings beginning at 8:45 am and ending at 12:15 pm.

On Wednesdays, we offer "Shin Bet," our homework and game club from 3:30 - 4:30 for students who come directly from school for a nominal fee of $100 for the year.   Snacks and drinks are provided each week.  

Hebrew reading and prayers are an important part of the Yachad curriculum. If you wish, optional 1:1 Hebrew lessons are available during the school year for 2nd - 6th grade students of Yachad.  There is an additional $175 fee (up to 26 session - $520 value) for these sessions for students in grades 2-5.  You are encouraged to register your 6th graders for 1:1 tutoring at no extra cost as they prepare for B. Mitzvah.
 *If you sign up for tutoring your child will be expected to be at the sessions.  If you cancel with less than 24 hours notice (unless due to an illness) it will count towards one of your sessions.  Please be sure to work with your tutor to reschedule sessions as needed.

We also offer a Sibling Babysitting program for children ages 3 and up (who are potty trained) to member families for an annual fee of $125. Unfortunately, due to the popularity of this program, we are unable to offer it to non-member families.

We are proud of the Yachad Religious School program and commitment of our students and families. Reflecting this, we have kept our tuition rates the same as last year, and affordable and lower than many of our neighboring communities. No child will be denied a Jewish education as a result of financial hardship. Financial scholarships are available based on need.

                                        Early Registration                              Standard Registration 
                                        (before 8/1/24)                                  (after 8/1/24)
                                        Members    Non-Members              Members    Non-Members
Gan (Kindergarten)           $  36               $1036                         $   36            $1036
Kitah Aleph (1)                   $425              $1425                         $ 475             $1475
Kitot Bet/Gimel (2 - 3)      $725               $1725                         $ 775             $1775
Kitot Dalet - Zayin (4 - 7) $1025              $2025                        $1075            $2075

Security fee of $120 will be added to any non-member student (one charge per family).

If you have any questions, please contact Gail Greenberg, Director of Education 248-967-4023
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