Lead From YOUR Strength Application
Three part leadership opportunity including a retreat at Camp Wrightwood, SR High camp fees, and Elementary Camp Counseling in the summer of 2019.
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Name *
Contact information (phone and email) *
Age *
Grant Funding limits participants to those from non-anglo ethnic origins.  Does this apply to you? *
Why do you want to participate in this opportunity? *
What gifts/talents/experiences do you bring? *
Why do you believe that you would be one the best candidates for this leadership training and camp scholarship opportunity? *
All 8 participants must be able to commit to all three phases of the Lead From YOUR Strength event (Retreat 5/17 - 5/19, Sr High Camp 7/7 - 7/13 and Elem Camp 7/21 - 7/26).  Can you do attend all of these at Camp Wrightwood and do the pre-camp training required for Elem Camp staff? *
If you were chosen what would you want to explore in the Leadership Retreat to be a better leader from your own style? *
Do you have any questions for the selection committee? *
When are the best times to set up an interview with you? *
Thank you for your application!  We will get back with you and have our selections by April 30, 2019.  By signing your name below you attest that the above information is true and that you agree to the selection process for this special opportunity:
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