Ancora Audition Form
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First and last name *
Preferred pronouns: *
I have generally sung this voice part (indicate one): *
Voice parts you are willing to sing (indicate one or more): *
Your email address *
Street address *
City, state, zip code *
Primary phone number *
Other phone number (indicate home, cell, business):
What is your age range? *
How did you hear about Ancora? (Check all that apply.) *
Choral experiences (for each past chorus you’ve been a part of, please list: name of chorus, chorus director, city/state, and year(s) you were a member. Please include your high school, college, and post-college experiences): *
Vocal solo experiences (for each solo experience you've had, please list: solo title or role, with whom, city/state, and which year): *
Private vocal instruction (please list teacher's name, which school [if any], and which year): *
Music theory instruction (please list teacher's name, which school, and which year): *
Instrumental instruction (please list teacher's name, which school [if any], and which year): *
Have you been a music instructor? If so, in what field? *
Have you been paid as a music performer? If so, in what capacity? *
I would rate my sight-singing ability as (indicate one): *
Languages you can speak at a conversational level (please list): *
Languages you can pronounce (i.e., can repeat back accurately if heard). Check all that apply: *
I am able to begin Ancora membership by this date (next auditions to be held in early September 2022): *
Please tell us more about yourself! *
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