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Podcast Guest Application
Thank you for your interest in being a guest on Mama T Energy. Please submit this application and you'll be notified if an interview is a good fit for right now.
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Record my email address with my response
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TikTok Name
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Instagram Handle
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Mama T Energy focuses on
creating an extraordinary life through taking radical self responsibility for our mind, body, and frequency
, what topics are you open to discussing that align with the brand?
Your answer
Are you willing to promote the airing of your episode(s) across your social media and marketing platforms?
Are you willing to sign a release form?
Keeping in mind episodes are scheduled month(s) in advanced is there anything you’d like to promote while being a guest on the podcast?
Your answer
What timeframe are you hoping the episode will air?
Your answer
Are you willing to receive a short tarot reading or energy healing during this recording? If yes, which would you prefer?
Your answer
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