Inner Child Retreat Workshop
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July 17, 2021, 8 AM-12:20 PST, with a follow-up Q/A July 24, 8 - 9 AM PST
Workshop Description
In this Inner Child Retreat, Dr. Sousan Abadian will lead participants in a journey of profound self-discovery, dialogue, and healing with your inner child. Through 4 hours of interactive talks, guided meditations, and journaling exercises, workshop participants will explore their childhood relationships with their caregivers and siblings, identify obstructions in their current lives that may result from those relationships, and will be provided tools to begin freeing themselves from old patterns.

Many of us spend our lives viewing ourselves and the world through a distorted lens, causing great suffering and loss of aliveness. We are disconnected from our deeper selves, others, and our purpose, our sense of self-worth contingent on doing what is expected of us. Reclaiming wholeness, joy, and creativity requires embracing your inner child, unearthing destructive messages, and giving your inner child what it missed.

Your inner child is always trying to get your attention, but many of us have forgotten how to listen. This retreat will provide a safe and sacred space for you to get in touch with your child selves, begin to heal their misconceptions and reclaim the child’s enthusiasm, wonderment, playfulness, and joy. You will be given a recording of the sessions and practices that will serve you going forward.

One week following the retreat, Sousan will be available to debrief and answer any questions that have arisen during an optional one-hour session. Come ready to engage fully, clear of distractions and committed to evolving yourself to the next level. This is one of the most powerful workshops you will ever participate in. Please be prepared for the workshop, remove all distractions and dedicate this time to yourself and your inner child. You deserve it.

Date and Time: July 17    
8 AM-12:20 PM PST (20 min break mid-way)
11 AM- 3:20 PM EST
4-8:20 PM UK, Ireland time
8:30Pm-12:50 AM India time

Optional debrief and Q&A: July 24th
8-9 AM PST
11-noon EST
4-5 PM UK, Ireland time
8:30-9:30 PM India time

Investment in your wholeness:                           $257
For early bird discount, register by July 15th          $227

BONUS: Receive 30-min video and transcripts of Sousan’s previous Inner Child conversation.

What people are saying about Sousan’s Inner Child work:

“Profound…” “Amazing…” “Thanks for creating a safe space to shed my tears. Your compassion and wisdom soothed my heart. As painful as it is to see the patterns I’ve been caught in, it’s also freeing to be given the tools to move beyond them…” “Since the workshop, I’ve been able to check in with my inner child and am making better decisions, more tuned to what brings me joy. Can’t thank you enough…”

Testimonials for Sousan’s coaching and energy work:

Working with Sousan over the past 9 months has transformed my life. Her compassionate wisdom and intuition have ushered me into a new and more joyful way of being. Through her coaching and introducing me to spiritual realms, I have been able to step beyond the trauma I experienced as a child and find a path to total healing—physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Sousan has shown me how to let joy direct my actions rather than fear. For me, Sousan is an angel. I am truly blessed to have received her gifts.  –Annette McGivney, author

I have worked with some powerful energy healers and shamans over the years, including Alberto Villoldo, founder of the Four Winds Society. But I must say, my first session with Sousan felt more powerful than any other I have experienced. It was like being bathed in healing light, and I felt almost ecstatic—such a blessing. Sousan is a powerful healer, mentor, coach, facilitator and speaker. She has spent a lifetime developing her relationship with spirit, learning how to use it to heal wounds, and helping people become their best selves. —David Osborne, author

Intuitively intelligent, Sousan’s technique is a unique blend or art and science, helping even the most skeptical of clients take the leap of faith and believe in themselves and find a pragmatic way to achieve their dreams. —Rum Ekhtiar, entrepreneur

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