聖地牙哥科工會(SDCASEA)12/02 [大數據]科技研討會 (Big Data Tech Forum) Registration
聖地牙哥科工會(SDCASEA) 將於十二月二日 與加州大學聖地牙哥分校(UCSD) IEM研究所, 加州聖地牙哥州立大學(SDSU) HDMA研究中心,共同主辦 [大數據之相關科技發展和應用領域] 科技研討會。
SDCASEA will collaborate with the Institute of Engineering in Medicine (IEM) at UCSD, and the Center for Human Dynamics in the Mobile Age (HDMA) at SDSU to host the “Big Data Enabling Technologies and Applications” symposium and to introduce the state-of-the-art knowledge and developments of the Big Data applications to the general public, scientific, and industrial communities among Southern California.
Date: December 2, 2017, 9:00am – 4:00pm
Location: Sanford Consortium (SCRM). 2880 Torrey Pines Scenic Drive, La Jolla, CA 92037 (Adjacent to UCSD).
中華民國科技部 Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan
駐洛杉磯台北經濟文化辦事處科技組 Science and Technology Division, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Los Angeles
Free Registration. RSVP required before 11/27.
If your group has multiple people to attend this symposium, each person needs to register individually.