Application for Communications - Graphic Design RA role at the Berkman Klein Center
Thank you for your interest in applying for an RA role at the Berkman Klein Center. Please complete and submit this application form. The form will close when applications are no longer being accepted, and applications outside of the form cannot be accepted.
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First Name *
Last Name *
(Optional) Second last name, if applicable
(Optional) Preferred name, if different from above
(Optional) Pronouns
What Harvard Program are you currently enrolled in?
Academic Year Research Assistant roles are open to actively enrolled full-time Harvard Students.
(Optional) Primary degree focus area/discipline
Do you currently hold any other Harvard jobs? *
Have you applied to any other BKC RA roles? *
Have you ever participated in a Berkman Klein Center program before?
This might include research sprints, summer institute or internships, research assistantships, fellowships, affiliates, CopyrightX participants, or workshops.
(Optional) If you answered "yes" to participating in a BKC program previously,  please detail program name(s) and date(s) or other previous involvement with the Berkman Klein Center here:
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