WebinarCon 2024 - Submit Your "Attendee Directory" Listing ASAP!
Thank you for purchasing your WebinarCon 2024 Ticket! 

DON'T PUT THIS OFF!! - Please take a moment to fill out this form so that we can HIGHLIGHT YOU in the official "WebinarCon Attendee Directory!" that will be handed out at the event (Nov 11-13, 2024 in Orlando, Florida)!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Model this Attendee Listing example! It's a good one!
Your Name *
Best contact person & contact info (if different than above)
Your shirt size (select one): *
Link to Photo for Directory (or send separately to Christy@webinarcon.com)
Very brief bio (3-5 sentences). *
What type of offer do you want listed in the Directory *
JV WEBINAR/LAUNCH OFFERS: Give us your JV Invite Page URL, or if you don't have one, share FULL DETAILS (product name, description, price points, comm. %, conversion info if any, replay link, etc.).
NON-WEBINAR OFFERS (agency, SaaS, etc.): Give a 1-2 paragraph description of what your offer is, who your ideal customer is, etc.
Will you do cross-promos, promote others' offers, etc.? NOT mandatory! *
What are you looking to accomplish the most by attending WebinarCon? Explain in more detail below! *
[OPTIONAL] Add any additional comments that you think might help us fully understand your offer, so we NAIL your directory listing, and potentially match you up with other WebinarCon attendees!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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