EMA Day is back! It's time to gather with fellow Erasmus Mundus students and alumni!
What is EMA Day?
Once a year, the Erasmus Mundus Association dedicates one day to let students and alumni gather in different cities all around the world on the same day. This means an opportunity for you to meet lots of friends, network, or simply just socialise and share the fun!
Who can participate?
We highly encourage current students and alumni of Erasmus Mundus Masters and PhD programmes to participate. Moreover, you can also invite your friends who are interested in Erasmus Mundus programmes as well.
How will EMA Day be held this year?
Due to the current pandemic and changing situations each country is facing, for the first time in EMA's history, EMA Day will be held fully virtual on Saturday, October 24th and the organiser can chose an online platform that is the most convenient to invite participants.
Is there a theme for this year's EMA Day?
Considering the global situation, this year's theme will be "The New Normal" where not only can you introduce yourself and have a good time virtually with each other, but you can also share your experience of dealing with the new situation, the new normal.
How can you help?
Become an organiser for your city or country! EMA will help you setup a Facebook event page so you can easily invite participants and can connect you with the necessary contacts (e.g., EMA Country Representatives)
What should you do as an organiser?
1. Fill out this form
2. Decide whether you want to invite people from one city only (if the city is big and has many EMA members) or for a whole country (for small countries or countries which have few EMA members), or even regionally if you think this is best!
3. Chose a platform that you are familiar with (e.g., Zoom, Google Meeting, Microsoft Teams, etc.)
4. Chose a time and duration that is convenient for your location
5. Our Team will make a Facebook event page and add you as an administrator so you can invite more people.
6. Make EMA Day happen in your city/country on Saturday, October 24th, 2020
7. Send a brief report to
community.development@em-a.eu with screenshots of your event and tell us how it went!