Centralia High School Transcript Request
Transcript Request
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Email *
Name: *
Legal Name when enrolled at CHS: *
What is your current address: *
Phone number: *
(555) 555 - 5555
Date of Birth: *
Graduation Date/Year (or dates of attendance) *
Please send a copy of my high school transcript to:   *
Must include the school or business name and address.
Please send a copy of my high school transcript to:  
Must include the school or business name and address.
Please fax a copy of my high school transcript to:
Include Attention to and fax number.
Have you applied to the college/technical school that you are sending your transcript to? *
I understand that it may take 3-5 business days to process my request. *
Typing your name below gives Centralia High School permission to forward your transcript information to the above location(s). *
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