Thank You for Being A True Fan!
If you made it here, that tells me that you are one of the most valued members of my community.

A True Fan!

I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate the fact that you trust me with your time and attention and that you respect me enough to allow my words to influence your thoughts.  It is an incredible gift to know that what I share matters to you.

Thank you for taking the time to come here and answer a few questions that will help me learn how I can continue to best serve you and others in my community.
Email *
First & Last Name *
When and how did you first discover me and the content that I create? *
What is your favorite thing that I've produced when it comes to content, products or services? (By this, I'm asking if there is a particular episode of a podcast, a video on YouTube, an online course, live event, a one-on-one mentoring session, etc. that stands out to you as being the best of what I do.) *
When it comes to "FREE THE DREAM," Please check ANY statement that is true for you. (You may check multiple selections)
When it comes to "The Next Level Mastermind," Please check ANY statement that is true for you. (You may check multiple selections)
When it comes to my "One-On-One Coaching," Please check ANY statement that is true for you. (You may check multiple selections)
If I were to create a new product or service, what new product or service would you love to see me offer?
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