RetroChallenge Sign Up
Submit your information here to sign up for the RetroChallenge!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Event *
Your Name or Handle *
Your Email Address *
This will not be posted publicly
URL to your project blog *
Include a URL specific to your RetroChallenge project, if possible
Your Twitter handle
… or mastodon. If applicable. Start it with "@".
Retro computer target *
indicate the retro computer platform(s) you will be using/targeting.
Brief synopsis of your project *
A few sentences describing your goals or project
URL to your picture / avatar / project picture *
If using twitter, you can click your avatar so that it opens just the photo masked as a circle, then ctrl-click or right-click that image, "Open in New Window", and use the URL from the new window. It should end in ".jpg" or ".png"
Category *
Select a category you would like to compete in. If you aren't sure, select "General".
Select any groups you are affiliated with. If you aren't sure, skip this question.
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