2024 JZMC Enrolment Form
More Information please check JZMC Term 3 2024 Newsletter, or visit our website: https://www.jzmasterchess.com
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Email *
Student Name 学生姓名 *
First name, (Middle name), Last Name
Student DOB 出生年月日
School Name 学校名称
School Year in 2024 年级
NSWJCL Rating  (for Competition and Advanced classes only)  JCL积分
Parent Name 家长姓名
Parent's Phone Number 家长手机号码
Emergency Contact 紧急联络人及电话
 Other Information 其他信息
Special requirement, allergies etc.
Term 4 2024 Enrolment (Face to face)面授课程报名  *
Term 4 2024 Online Lesson Enrolment 网课报名
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Spring Holiday Camps 假期班
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