Kingdom of Talossa Bi-annual Census
Please respond to all questions on this census. Your information will be kept private under El Lexhatx and Organic Law (see below for applicable laws)

This census is being conducted under the authority of the Secretary of State, Sir Txec dal Nordselvâ. Information collected on this form will be used by the Chancery to maintain the list of citizens, as defined under law. Only members of the Chancery will have access to any data obtained during this census.
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What is your Talossan Name? *
What is your Non-Talossan Name? *
What is your preferred email address? *
Do you wish to share your email address with party leaders? *
All questions below are optional and will have no impact on your citizenship status. 
What is your expressed gender?
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What is your age?
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Marital Status
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Household size
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Political Affiliation
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Location of Physical Residence
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Racial Identity
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Religious Affiliation
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Annual Income
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Level of Involvement in Talossa (on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 as the highest level of involvement)
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Skills Survey
The Government of Talossa presents the survey below as a part of its effort to build a voluntary inventory of citizen skills.  This will give the current and future governments a way to conduct an orderly and knowledgeable search for people with the needed skills and a preexisting desire to serve. The survey also includes optional areas to make miscellaneous interests and/or hobbies known in an effort to foster social connections between citizens.
I possess the following skill(s) available for occassional and voluntary use in service to the Kingdom:
I am interested in connecting with other Talossans around shared interests.
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I am interested in connecting with other Talossans around the following shared interest(s):
Applicable laws: 

El Lexhatx 1.2.2. The Bureau of the Census within the Chancery shall conduct a census of all citizens of Talossa, collecting demographic information and updating the Chancery's contact details for the citizenry. A census shall be performed every two calendar years, or more frequently if the Seneschal so requests. [c 3][201](52RZ4) The only required questions for any respondent on the Talossan Census shall be(a) current Talossan and non-Talossan names, and(b) citizen contact details (preferably email).The Chancery will provide an option for respondents to share their email address with party leaders, pursuant to D.8.5.4.[r 7][202](52RZ4) Other questions on the Talossan Census shall be identical to the questions on the last census. These questions may be changed by the Chancery, either of its own volition or on request from the Seneschal, but any changes shall be approved by the Ziu, without needing to go through committee. These questions will be marked as optional, and at no time shall a citizen be forced or required to respond to an optional question. [203] Any information collected during the census that would individually identify any person or persons, including their contact information, shall be withheld from the public for to protect individual privacy, consistent with Lex.D.8. The only exception is that citizens may opt to have their e-mail address shared with party leaders, pursuant to D.8.5.4.[r 7] Census information shall not be released under any "freedom of information" or "government transparency" requests, notwithstanding any other provisions of el Lexhatx. [204](52RZ4) Demographic information and other information that does not identify the respondents shall be made available within thirty (30) days of the conclusion of any census. [205](52RZ4)
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