Pub Poll Survey -
Please fill out this survey.  After you have submitted your survey results you will be given one of the answers to tonight's final question.  Thank you so much for your participation.
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What part of the school day might a kindergartner be most excited about?
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Name a song you would choose for a karaoke duet with Elton John.
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What’s the first question people usually ask when they find out a woman is pregnant?
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Name a country whose food you know better than its language.
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Name a spot where you'd never leave home without packing a towel.
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If you’re caught sneaking out of work, what’s your best excuse for leaving early?
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What’s something a cowboy might get teased for not being good at?
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If your upstairs neighbor was making too much noise, what’s the first thing you’d do to handle the situation?
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Name one car part that seems to wear out and need replacing more often than others.
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Name something that might be described as hot.
Which retail store that you might have shopped at recently made headlines for going bankrupt?
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Name something you’d love to spot when you look through a telescope.
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Name a natural remedy you might use to help relieve a headache.
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What’s something a parent might secure with a lock or gate once their baby starts walking?
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What’s something your spouse might ask you to grab on your way home? *
Name a road sign that drivers often seem to overlook.
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Name something that a survivalist wouldn’t need to start a fire, but you definitely would.
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What’s an item people often wear when they’re aiming for a casual look?
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Besides video games, what’s another type of game you can enjoy at an arcade?
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Name a specific food you’d never microwave without covering it first to avoid a mess.
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