EDI Research Centre: Collaboration Network Sign-up
Thank you for your interest in the EDI Research Centre!

About the EDI Research Centre

To support the University of York’s EDI Strategic Objectives and commitment to being a university for public good, the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Research Centre was formed through a 2-year Enhancing Research Culture fund to serve as a central hub for innovative research, focusing on four main areas:
  • Dismantling systemic inequities through and within research.

  • Employing inclusive research methods and methodologies.

  • Decolonising research.

  • Advancing pedagogical research and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.

What are our vision and aims?

Our vision is to become a key contributor to the centering of EDI in the research culture at the University of York. The Centre will advance the embedding of EDI principles such as inclusivity, decolonisation and equity within all aspects of the research process - from research environments to the research projects themselves.

Our aims are to generate a research culture change regarding the priority given to EDI issues throughout the research process, improve EDI research practice in relation to marginalised researcher, participant and student experiences, enhance EDI-related policy (e.g., educate or help to reduce inequalities in research e.g., through decolonising research practices) and to increase EDI research capacity within research centres, external networks and departments across the University of York (e.g., coordinate the embedding of EDI into research ethics processes)

What will the EDI Collaboration Network do?

1) As part of the research network, you will have direct access to events and some seminar series hosted by the EDI Research Centre and its members that may be of interest. You will also have the chance to meet and network with others who share your passion for EDI both within and outside of the University of York. The network is a welcoming space for individuals of all backgrounds to connect, collaborate, and learn from one another.

2) An additional aspect of the EDI research Centre is to support external organisations in researching issues of interest to the communities that they serve. It will provide organisations with the opportunity to take on a research intern to perform an EDI related research project that benefits one of the organisation's needs. As a member of the collaboration network, you would have access to apply for funding for a research project and you will also be offered opportunities to collaborate with the research students on these projects. We will be sending out information on this shortly so please sign-up and indicate your interest in collaboration and we will be in touch with further details.

Questions? Contact us at: EDI-research-centre@york.ac.uk

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Which category best represents you? *
What organisation / company do you work with? *
Please enter your full name *
Please enter your email address *
Which area are you most interested in? (please select all that apply)
Do you have any suggestions on events/seminar speakers you would like for us to consider? (you can nominate yourself) *
Do you want to be involved in collaborating on research projects with research students? *
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