Tap into your own goodness
Interplay is an artform that uses stories, movement, stillness, sounds to tap into our own body wisdom.

Date and Days: May 30 and 31st, Saturday, Sunday
Timings: 11am-12.30 pm and 4.30pm-6pm ( Its 3 hours everyday)
Venue: Online

To know more you can visit-  https://www.purplemangoes.com/interplay-playshop
You can also reach out to Sukhmani- 9650118376
Vibhuti- 9582870628
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Have you attended Interplay workshop or related workshops like Dance Movement before? *
What's alive for you these days? Where are you in life and what do you seek from this workshop? *
Feel free to express in detail. This helps us to understand where each one of you is coming from and helps us to design the workshop.
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