Pre-discounted prices are listed near each field below. Discount rates are:
  • 5% off for 3+ seats
  • 30% off for 5+ seats
  • 40% off for 10+ seats
  • 50% off for 20+ seats
A seat is any plan for either course.
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Learn UI Design – FULL ACCESS: number of seats
$1495 pre-discount. Includes access to:
- Comprehensive 35-hour video course
- Design resource library
- Student community
- Dozens of narrated redesigns
- Lifetime access to updates and additions
Learn UI Design – BASIC ACCESS: number of seats
$995 pre-discount. Only includes video course and resource library access.
Learn UX Design – FULL ACCESS: number of seats
$1495 pre-discount. Includes access to:
- Comprehensive 23-hour video course
- UX resource library
- Student community
- UX Project Vault of beginning-to-end real process
- Lifetime access to updates and additions
Learn UX Design – BASIC: number of seats
$995 pre-discount. Only includes video course and resource library access.
Landing Page Academy – FULL ACCESS: number of seats
$495 pre-discount. Includes access to:
- Comprehensive 21-lesson video course
- Landing Page cheatsheets, checklists, asset library, pattern library, brainstorming aids
- Student community
- Lifetime access to updates and additions
Name, email, and course/plan for each enrollee
(If known; this can be specified later)
Your name *
Your email *
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