Please complete the following set of questions and submit. 
We appreciate your interest in serving on the board of the Chautauqua County Humane Society (CCHS.). Serving on a non-profit board is rewarding and involves time and commitment. In order to be considered, please complete this statement of interest form. The Nominating Committee may request an interview with you after reviewing your form. 
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Email *
What is your current occupation? *
What skills or talents do you possess that may be an asset to CCHS? *
Why are you interested in serving on the board? *
Have you ever served on a board? *
If yes, where?
If yes, how long?
What community-based groups or activities are you or have you been involved with?  *
The board meets the fourth Tuesday of each month and sub-committees meet monthly and/or as needed for approximately one hour. These meetings are usually in the evenings after work. Are you willing to commit to this amount of time and effort on a regular basis?  *
Are there issues that would limit your participation?  *
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