2023 Mile in My Shoes Fall/Thanksgiving FundRacer Registration 
When you register as a FundRacer for Mile in My Shoes (MiMS), you receive a FREE entry into one of MiMS' official partner races this fall: Run Minnesota's Victory 5K or 10K on October 21, or the Drumstick Dash/Pi Run (10k/5K) on Thanksgiving Day, November 23rd!  With a fundraising minimum of $150, this is a great opportunity to try your hand at FundRacing with an easily attainable - but impactful - goal. 

While the minimum fundraising commitment is $150, you'll receive even more awesome incentives by going above & beyond - check them out:
Raise $150 - FREE ENTRY into this year's Victory Race 5K or 10K, or the Pi Run 5K/Drumstick Dash 10K + MiMS decal + MiMS buff
Raise $314 (Pi) - Entry, decal, buff and MiMS tech or tri-blend tee
Raise $500 - All of the above plus exclusive MiMS hoodie
Raise $750 - NEW MiMS Run hat or custom crew socks
Raise $1K - A personal cheering squad on race day!

Ready to join us? Register as a FundRacer using this form & you will receive a welcome email including instructions for registering for the race for FREE and tips for fundraising. Interested in FundRacing for a different Fall or Thanksgiving Day Race? You can still use this form and we'll reach out to you with the details! Email fundracing@mileinmyshoes.mn with questions. Want to learn more about Mile in My Shoes? Check out our website: http://www.mileinmyshoes.mn/ 
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Street Address *
City, State, Zip *
Phone Number *
Race *
Fundraising Goal: *
Hoodie size (unisex) *
Tech/T-shirt Size  *
Are you currently a MiMS Run Mentor, Resident Member or Alumni? *
If yes, which team do you currently run with?
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By checking yes, you are acknowledging that you are responsible for fundraising the minimum amount of $150 in exchange for a free race entry. *
Any comments or questions?
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