Signature for Non-Union Letter to Actor's Equity
Hello, thank you so much for your time and consideration. We have been working on creating a more accessible, equitable, and safe alternative to the current Non-Union List. We have attached our letter below and would love your support in moving to create much needed change for all involved.
Not included in the letter below but collectively we have come up with some ideas including:
  •  An online form of some kind for auditions (that could be so many do things but opening that up to casting as well)
  •  A text back system that can provide information regarding alternate lists, wait lists, and availability, in order to ease the congestion in the holding rooms to allow for a smoother audition process for AEA members and non members.
  • Another idea is to help with education. Such ideas have included; creating a document for potential new members explaining the audition experience, protocols, and must knows, including safety regarding the areas of the frequented audition buildings. This form could also include union information and status FAQs.
We are in the working phase and would love to hear your suggestions and experiences, so please feel free to write that in the comments! 
Email *
Letter for Casting Directors:
Letter for Actor's Equity:
Involvement in the Industry *
Please select all that apply
Union Status *
Please select all that apply.
Please include any additional comments you may wish to share.
If you are an actor/dancer/musician, what would be your ideal non-union list?
Sign the Letter!
Sign your name here!
Please include name if you feel comfortable.
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