Northampton Open Media Membership Form 6.0
Please answer the following questions to complete your membership to Northampton Open Media (NOM). Membership in NOM is free. If you value our work, and want to support our ability to continue to act as a community resource, the best way to support us is on Patreon here -
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
First Name *
Last Name *
Address *
City/Town *
State *
Zip Code *
What is your age? *
Phone Number *
Email Address *
We will put you on our email contact list but not distribute your email to anyone else unless you give us permission.
Would you like your phone number and/or email to be shared with other NOM members for collaborations? *
NOM members often want to find collaborators/crew for their projects. By checking the "Yes" box, you agree to allow Staff to connect you with other NOM members.
How did you hear about us? (Please check all that apply) *
What are you hoping to do with NOM membership? (Please check all that apply) *
If you have a specific idea, project, or goal in utilizing NOM membership, briefly describe here:
It's ok if you don't!
Agreement with Rules and Policies
Rules and Policies can be viewed on our website under "About" then "Organizational Documents" or at this link:

I have read and am familiar with, and agree to abide by, the Rules and Policies of Northampton Open Media.

  1. I understand that the content I produce with NOM gear and or facilities will be distributed on NOM networks, including the web. The exception is if I enter into a paid rental agreement.

  2. I understand that the following material is prohibited for presentation on NOM:

     a. Any commercial advertising;

     b. Any material which constitutes libel, slander, pornography, invasion of privacy or publicity rights;

     c. Any unauthorized use of trademark or copyright;

     d. Any material in violation of FCC law;

     e. Any material which violates local, state, or federal laws.

  3. I agree to obtain all necessary clearances and permissions from any and all organizations, individuals, and groups as may be needed to tape and/or cablecast material on NOM.

  4. I understand that I am fully responsible for all NOM equipment and facilities that I use, and I agree to pay for the replacement of any and all equipment damaged or destroyed while signed out in my care, custody, or control.

  5. I understand that I am responsible and agree to indemnify and hold harmless the City of Northampton, Northampton Open Media, its directors and employees (and their successors) from any liability, loss, claim, cost, or damage of any nature whatsoever which may arise by reason of any claim that any material cablecast or disseminated by me infringes or violates any rights of any person or organization.
Agreement with Rules and Policies *
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