2023 NC Cooperative Extension Family & Consumer Sciences Needs Assessment
Cooperative Extension programs are based on community needs. We would like to have your input on programs you would like to see offered through extension. Family & Consumer Science has a focus on foods & nutrition, food safety, home food preservation, and fitness. We also can offer other programs such as sewing, quilting, and home steading programs. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey to help us serve you better.
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What is your gender *
What is your race? *
What is your Ethnicity *
Which age range best describes you? *
What day of the week is best to meet? *
What is the best time to meet? Select all that work for you. *
What price range are you willing to pay for an educational workshop? (Extension strives to keep cost low but we have to charge according to program supply cost. We do not want cost to be a reason someone cannot attend a program.) *
Please select all food programs you would be interested in attending. *
Please select all food safety programs you would interested in attending *
Please select all fitness programs you would be interested in attending *
Please select below other activities you would be interested in attending *
Please list below other programs you would be interested in attending with Cooperative Extension. Please include any program area, (4-H, Horticulture, Agriculture, Livestock, Community & Rural Development, Family & Consumer Sciences.) *
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