LOCUS MN: BIPOC and Femme, Trans, Womxn (FTW)-owned Twin Cities Business Resource
Thank you for contributing to the Twin Cities Businesses spreadsheet! Please fill out the information below and  after the submission is reviewed* we will post it on the spreadsheet. All businesses are updated the first Sunday of each month.

Reviewed for location (Twin Cities Metro only), additional information (if needed), and business status (open,  closed, temporary). We'll be sure to reach out if we have questions!
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Business Category
Business Name *
Business Type *
Ownership *
Address *
Please include full address ex:241 Fremont Ave N, Minneapolis, MN 55405
About *
Typically something on their "About" section, tell us more about this place! 1-2 sentences/phrases is great Ex: Cookie Cart provides teens 15 to 18 years old with lasting and meaningful work, life and leadership skills through experience and training in urban nonprofit bakeries
Link to Website (or social media if there isn't a website) *
if there are specific resources for wheelchairs or other differently abled / neurotypical / Deaf or Hard of Hearing (HOH) community members let us know!
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