ECO YB Intake Survey
Are you a Young BUL (Bold Unstoppable Leader) looking to bring some positivity, light, and love to your community? We are all kings and queens and everybody in between, and with royalty comes responsibility.

We created this paid internship to support our youth while they support their community!
They will be responsible for packing and handing out food at or around:

The ECO Center located at 5411 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19139

Programming is broken into two different cohorts as follows:
  • Cohort 1 - every other Saturday 12PM - 4PM (01/20, 02/03, 02/17, etc)
  • Cohort 2 - every other Saturday 12PM - 4PM (01/27, 02/10, 02/24, etc)
You’re the leaders our world needs. We can build a stronger city one block at a time.

Please reach out to Brotha Garid with any questions at

More information please visit
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Name? (First & Last) *
Birthday? *
Phone Number? *
Email? *
Parent /Guardian Name? *
Parent/Guardian Phone Number? *
Emergency Contact Name? *
Emergency Contact Phone Number? 
Grade? *
How do you get to and from The ECO Center *
Who would be responsible for picking you up?
Do you have any allergies or medical conditions that we should be aware of? *
For our education portion, what are some things or subjects you would like to learn about? *
What kind of trips would you like to see us going on? (Include both educational and leisure trips*) *
What is your Superpower? (everyone has one) *
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