1:1 Coaching Application
This application is for 1:1 coaching with me, Ash McDonald.

It's deeply important to me that this is an aligned fit for both of us, so please take your time filling out your answers. Remember, there are no wrong answers here - only your unique story.

Business is NOT one size fits all and I want to make sure where you're at in your business journey is in alignment with this offer. Based on the application answers, I will be reaching out via Instagram to chat about the best way to proceed.

Rooting for you & your success YOUR WAY, always!

Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Instagram Handle: *
What is your primary goal for mentorship? *
Tell me a little about your business & where you're at in it?  *
What are your business goals 3-6 months from now? *
What are your main desires + excitements for us working together? *
What's going really well in your life right now & what are the areas you desire to improve? *
Are you ready to make an investment in yourself? *
Anything else you want me to know?
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