Pune Bird Atlas - People
This is a registration form for people interested in joining the Pune Bird Atlas project as a volunteer or coordinator. It is a long-term weekend (Saturday & Sunday) activity. PBA is non-commercial activity. We are seeking people who want to make a change by studying birds of Pune.
Coordinators have a great responsibility of managing several volunteers in their zone of operation. They are responsible for the data collected (quality & quantity), attending PBA meetings, outreach, and creating a dialogue between several parties. Being a coordinator you will need to dedicate a substantial amount of time in the activities of PBA.

Volunteers are more or less free birds. They have comparably less responsibilities. They will work under zonal coordinators and are responsible for maintaining data quality and quantity. Volunteers can also spread the word, and attend PBA meetings.  

For queries, write to <punebirds@gmail.com> or contact Pankaj (9422251272) or Siddharth (9405505902) or Pooja (9890946566)
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Name *
Gender *
Email *
Mobile (WhatsApp) *
Since when have you been watching birds? *
Do you have an eBird account? *
Where do you stay? *
What do you do?
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Which areas you can go birding? *
How would you like to get involved in the project? Coordinators have a great responsibility of managing several volunteers in their zone of operation. They are responsible for the data collected (quality & quantity), attending PBA meetings, outreach, and creating a dialogue between several parties. Being a coordinator you will need to dedicate a substantial amount of time in the activities of PBA. Volunteers are more or less free birds. They have comparably less responsibilities. They will work under zonal coordinators and are responsible for maintaining data quality and quantity. Volunteers can also spread the word, and attend PBA meetings.   *
Undertaking: You will bind by the rules of Pune Bird Atlas Project and will not get involve in unethical bird-watching practices. During your engagement in the project, your safety will be your responsibility. The project team will not be responsible if you get into any mishap during the project. Please accept the undertaking in order to get involved in the project. *
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