Latseen Káx̱ Yéi Atdaané - Gathering for Strength  Culturally Responsive Education Conference Registration
Thunder Mountain High School, Juneau, Alaska   June 13-15 2023
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address (Please make sure this is an email address you will have access to over the summer.) *
Phone *
Mailing Address Line 1 *
Mailing Address City, State and ZIP Code *
What is your role? *
If you are an educator, please indicate the grade you currently teach:
If you are an educator, approximately how many students did you teach this past school year?
If you are an educator, approximately what percentage of your students are Alaska Native? We thank you for your response as we work to collect this information for grant writing and reporting purposes.
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In what community or communities do you work? *
Are you employed by one of the following school districts and would you like to be contacted regarding travel/lodging stipends and support?

  • Juneau School District
  • Hydaburg City School District
  • Klawock City School District
  • Craig City School District
  • Southeast Island School District

Is this the first Culturally Responsive Education Conference that you have attended? *
What is your primary reason for attending this conference? What do you hope to come away with? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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