Share your experiences with scale up
This 15 question research survey is being conducted by BehaviourWorks Australia and the Victorian Government (Department of Premier and Cabinet Behavioural Insights Unit) to understand practitioners' experience with scale up. You may choose to complete this survey anonymously, or provide identifying information at the end of the survey if you would like us to contact you about your responses.

For more information including how we manage your data, please read a detailed Explanatory Statement:
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Have you ever been involved in trying to scale up an intervention / innovation to benefit more people?
In this context, scale up is "the deliberate effort to increase the impact of innovations successfully tested in pilot or experimental projects to benefit more people"
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What was the intervention and how was it scaled up?
A brief description of 1-2 sentences is fine.
Was the intervention / innovation designed to change people's behaviour?
Examples: reducing littering after concerts; wearing a mask in public; using a formal process to allocate funding
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Was the scale up successful?
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What barriers do you face when scaling up interventions / innovations?
Which of these barriers is the most critical to address, and why?
Have you confronted any of the following barriers when scaling up interventions / innovations?
Which best describes you?
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What type of organisation do you work for?
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What is your expertise in behaviour science / behavioural insights?
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What is your expertise in scaling up interventions / innovations?
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Are there specific tools that you have found to be useful for scale up?
Please include links or citations to help us find them.
Do you have any other comments?
Would you like to provide your name or email for us to contact you about your responses?
If you would prefer not to provide contact information, scroll to the bottom and press Submit to complete the survey anonymously.

You may OPTIONALLY provide your email or name in the section below. We may individually contact you via email to follow up on some of your comments, but will not share your details with anyone else.

The research team (BehaviourWorks Australia and the Behavioural Insights Unit at the Department of Premier and Cabinet, Victorian Government) will have access to this information for the purpose of improving the toolkit.

For more information, read an Explanatory Statement about the research project:
Email address
This question is optional.
This question is optional.
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