Survey on the perception of the public towards Genetically engineered organisms (GMOs)
In the framework of our iGEM project “ Genetically Engineered Machines”, we work on a specific part called “ Human Practice” that aims at the reflection on the social ethical, economical and political impact of our project. In order to fulfill this mission, we wish to collect the population’s opinion on genetically engineered organisms ( GMOs).

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1. Do you know what is a genetically engineered organism (GMO)? *
2. If you are uncertain, do you wish to know more about GMOs?
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3. If yes, how?
4.What is the best adjective describing GMOs according to you? *
5. In what sector(s) can be GMOs used for you? *
6. Do you support the use or the development of GMOs? *
7. If yes, in which sector ?
8.If not, why?
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9. Do you think GMOs are safe for your health? *
10. Do you think GMOs are safe for the environment ? *
11. What is your degree of preoccupation concerning GMOs *
12. In which sector(s) are you preoccupied by the eventual presence of GMOs? *
13. Which support would be the most relevant to know more about GMOs? *
14. In which sectors would you wish to be informed about the presence of GMOs ?
15.Are you up-to-date with any regulation on GMOs? *
16.If you answered Yes, please indicate how you obtained those information? *
17. How do you evaluate the efforts made by your government to inform the population on GMOs? *
18.Do you think agriculture in your country suffers from global warming? *
19. Would you be in accord with the use of GMOs on crops in your country to counter the effect of global warming? *
20.Do you work in the synthetic biology field? *
21. Are you male, female, or do not wish to provide an answer? *
22.What is your age? *
23.In which country do you live? *
24.In which town do you live? *
25.What is the level of your study? *
26.What is your socio professional category? *
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