Breakfast Club at St George's
Dear Parents and Guardians
We have been increasingly aware that our families need morning provision for their children.
The Governors and Seniors’ Leaders of St George’s have decided to run a parent survey to see if we can offer such a provision starting shortly at St Georges’.
Due to ever increasing budgets restraints we would need a minimum of 10 children to attend this club daily for it to run.
If we have enough interest from parents we would be able to offer a breakfast club from 7:30 am until your child starts class.
Our breakfast club would cost £3 per child per morning session.  Additional siblings would be £2.00 per session.
Please complete this form by Monday 17th May 3pm.
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Would you be interested in sending your child/children to a breakfast club run by St George's Primary School? *
What day would you need your children to attend (tick all days that apply)
What year group is your child / children in?
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