Bumps & Babies Summer SGPT (Aug/Sept)
I'm looking forward to working with you this summer - this will just help me understand how many people will be in the group, how many times per week etc. 

I'm planning on this being 6-8max people. Price pp will be dependent on how many people sign up. Approx €20-25 per class.
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Email *
I'm planning on making a whatsapp group for easy comms - add your phone number below if you'd like to be added
Full Name *
What location can you train in (select all that apply)
What days can you do in July/Aug (tick all that you can do)
What would be your preference?
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I'm planning on this being a twice a week programme - can you commit to twice a week or only make only 1 day.
What times can you do in July/Aug  (choose all that suit)
What would be your preference.
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When are you away on holidays in August/Sept
Let me know anything else you think I need to know or is relevant
I would like to be added to the B&B Newsletter
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