Registration form
In order to attend sailing lessons or hire equipment, all students of the NSA must fill in the following registration form prior to their lesson or session 
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Email *
Please confirm:
If you want to book for the future, what date?
Full Name  *
Phone  *
Emergency Contact Name *
Emergency Contact Number
Relevant sailing or watersport experience  *
Are you water confident  *
Courses/ Activities- please select which one you are booking  *
If you are booking a dinghy, please chose which one:
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Any other information you'd like to supply. If you want to book more than one boat or a number of different boat, please explain here.
Medical Details 
Please give details of any medical issues, treatment or medicines you are receiving:
I/on behalf of my child consent to any emergency treatment required by me or my child during the course of the visit. I/my child am in good health and declare myself/them am signing this to accept the terms and conditions of this booking.
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