AI Knowledge Representation Education SURVEY
This survey is part of a project undertaken by  in collaboration with W3C AI KR CG and the Asia Pacific Council for AI Education.
Having identified discrepancies and gaps in AI KR curricula across countries, regions and languages, a project was initiated to collect data about what knowledge sources - textbooks and other references - are being used in undergraduate and graduate curricula across institutions worldwide. We aim to understand what AI KR curriculum is taught around the world. Please fill out responses to the best of your knowledge. We request respondents to provide their email address mostly for data quality purposes and verification, they will never be shared or published.
Survey responses will only be shared in anonymous and aggregate form. We ll share findings and the resulting dataset with  respondents and unless otherwise indicated. respondents will be acknowledged in the final report. Respondents will also be invited to participate in related projects and  resulting initiatives.

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Email *
Respondent Profile *
Country/Region *
Language/s *
If the course is taught in more than one language, enter the second language in a separate line
School Institution Name *
School Institution Website *
Course Number/s *
Course Year/s *
Enter a single year/semester or a range of years
Course website, if available *
Main texts used in AI courses to teach Knowledge Representation *
Enter one resource per line (text title, author/s, publisher. year. chapter/s)
Main topics/concepts taught in AI KR *
Please list what topics in AI KR are covered in the course  (LP, Bayesian Networks, DL etc)
Additional resources used other than textbooks (handouts, videos) *
Please enter one per line, if possible with URL
Additional information on how Knowledge Representation is taught in your course/college *
If  AI/KR is taught in your institution, please share any comments/remarks
Additional remarks *
Any comments, would you like to be informed of outcomes and related proects
Are you interested in contributing to a paper and/or a funded research project on this topic? *
Suggestions for improving this survey and other suggestions
Do you consent to your name/affiliation being listed in the acknowledgement section? *
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