Wikidata as a Learning Platform: A Questionnaire
This questionnaire has been created as part of a PhD research conducted by Shani Evenstein Sigalov under the supervision of Prof. Rafi Nachmias, at the School of Education, Tel Aviv University, with the approval of the Ethics Committee at the Tel Aviv University.

The questionnaire has 6 parts: Personal Information; Part 1: Wikidata interactions; Part 2: Motivators; Part 3: Skills; Part 4: Technology; Part 5: Community. We estimate that it will take between 15 - 30 minutes to complete the questionnaire, depending on your level of interaction.

All answers will remain anonymous for the purpose of the research and personal details will not be revealed to any external party (unless the participants themselves choose to do so). More details on "Data Handling and Information Privacy" are available below.

Please note that by filling out this questionnaire, you consent to participating in this research. In case you have any questions or concerns, please contact Shani Evenstein Sigalov at:

We appreciate your support of this research and thank you in advance for taking the time to participate and share your experience engaging with Wikidata!


Data Handling and Information Privacy:

Below is information regarding the data handling and information privacy during this research in a Q & A format.
Should you have any queries in this regard, please contact the head researcher, Shani Evenstein, at the email mentioned above.

Q: Which measures will be taken to ensure the privacy of participants in the research and to protect the data collected?
A: The researcher will take extra measures to ensure that the privacy of participants is kept intact. Names and identity of participants will not be revealed at any stage, not in the PhD dissertation, not in future derivative publications, nor in any other way. Each participant will be assigned a serial number, which will replace the participant’s identity, in case it was shared.

Q: How will the data be accessed and how will it remain protected?
A: The answer sheet to the questionnaire (master file) is available only to the main researcher. With the completion of the data collection phase, the questionnaire will be deleted, and the master file will be saved separately on a locked laptop, which only the main researcher has access to. A backup of the master file will be saved on a disk-on-key, which will be saved in a physical safe, to avoid cases of data loss in case of a technical malfunction or theft. A copy of the master file, which includes serial numbers instead of names, will be created and will be used for the data analysis phase, as well as the dissertation’s writing phase. The copy will be saved on a computer as well as in a cloud, to ensure easy access to the data, anywhere and anytime. 5 years after completing the dissertation, the data will be purged.

Q: How will you ensure that participants’ identity remains private?
A: The master file will include a serial number for each participant, along with the other participant’s details. A copy of the master file, without names and other personal details, will be used throughout the research, including in describing participants in the dissertation and its derivative publications. As the data collection phase finishes, the master file will no longer be available online, but only on a physical laptop, with a copy of it in a safe. A copy of the master with no personal details, only serial numbers, will be used throughout the research, will be saved online and will be available only to the main researcher during the data analysis and writing phases.

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