Auburn Day School Enrollment Registration: Academic Year 2024-25
Thank you for your interest in Auburn Day School for your child! We're delighted to have you join our registration list for the 2024-25 Academic Year.

Our 2024-25 Academic Year Programs include: 

FULL DAY PROGRAM (Morning STEM + STEM Play) 8 a.m. (or 7:30 a.m.) - 3:00 p.m. 
Tuition: $1198/month (5-day), $758/month (3-day M/W/F), $518/month (2-day T/R)
  • Explorers (two-year-olds)
  • Investigators (three-year-olds)
  • Curious Connectors (four-year-olds)
  • Junior Scientists (four and five-year-olds) 
Morning STEM Classes 8 a.m. (or 7:30 a.m.) - 11:30 a.m. ONLY
Tuition: $599/month (5-day), $379/month (3-day M/W/F), $259/month (2-day T/R)
  • STEM Sprouts (one year old on Sept. 1, 2024) ** not part of lunch program
  • Explorers (two years old on Sept. 1, 2024)
  • Investigators (three years old on Sept. 1, 2024)
  • Curious Connectors (three and four-year-olds)
  • Junior Scientists (four and five-year-olds) 
STEM Play Classes (11:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m.) ONLY
Tuition: $599/month (5-day), $379/month (3-day M/W/F), $259/month (2-day T/R)
  • Tadpoles (2/3-year-olds)
  • Froglets (3/4-year-olds)
  • Frogs (4/5-year-olds)
At the end of this form, please click the link to sign up for a tour date for you and your child. A tour is required. We can't wait to meet your family! 
Email *
Parent Name(s) *
Parent phone number(s) *
Child #1 Name (First and Last) *
Child #1 Preferred Name (if different than above)
Child #1 DOB *
Child #1 Preferred Program *
Child #1 Preferred Days *
Child #2 Name (First and Last)
Child #2 Preferred Name (if different than above)
Child #2 DOB
Child #2 Preferred Program
Child #2 Preferred Days
Child #3 Name (First and Last)
Child #3 Preferred Name (if different than above)
Child #3 DOB
Child #3 Preferred Program
Child #3 Preferred Days
How did you hear about Auburn Day School? Please check all that apply. *
If your family is new to ADS, please list any prior schools/daycares/programs your child has attended along with the name and contact information for any teacher/director/caregiver who is familiar with your child. By submitting this Auburn Day School registration form, you give your permission for your child's previous schools/caregivers to be contacted. (Please list N/A if your child has not yet participated in another program.)
What would you like us to know about your child? *
I am also interested in... *
Click HERE to sign up for a tour of Auburn Day School. We can't wait to meet your child and get to know your family! Tours with families and the potential student(s) is required. 
Thank you for completing your registration form for Auburn Day School's 24-25 Academic Year. We began processing applications in October, 2023. If there is an opening in your child(ren)'s age group class we will contact you for the required tour. If the class is full we will put you on a waiting list and if an opening comes available you will be contacted for the required tour.

Preference in the enrollment process will be given to current families first and then preference will be given to 5-day full time students.

If you have any questions, please email Office Manager Linda Roach at or call ADS at (334) 209-0460. We're happy to help!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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