Please complete the following form if you are interested in joining the Asian American Mentor Program (AAMP) for the Fall of 2024.
AAMP pairs incoming 1st year and transfer students with mentors, students who help you adjust to campus life and serve as a friendly resource for you during the academic year. You will enroll in a Global Asian Studies 105, "Asian American Identities, Cultures, & Communities", a 1-credit course geared toward helping you become familiar with Asian American issues and topics, such as identity and stereotypes. The program introduces you to the Asian American communities at UIC and helps you acclimate to college life while making lifelong friends and connections.
For priority consideration, please complete this form as soon as possible and no later than September 2nd.
**Please note that this form will only be viewed by the GLAS 105 Instructor and AAMP Graduate Assistant.**
Also, please check your email for important registration information about the program!
For more information on the AAMP program, please visit our website:* Required