Private Party Booking
If you would like to book a private party at SGS, please start by filling out this form so we can get to know you and your party a little more. We'll check our books, and get back to you about scheduling as soon as we're able. Thanks for celebrating with us!
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Email *
Phone Number *
What’s the occasion?
When are you planning your event? 
Are there alternate dates that could work? Please list other date options (if any). 
How long would you like your party to go?
Would you prefer to schedule your party in the morning, afternoon, or evening?
What's your ideal start time? *Please note that if you need to schedule during an existing class time, you may have to share the studio space with that class. Please let us know if you would prefer to not share the space. 
How many friends are you expecting/how big is your party?
What are you interested in doing? Check all that apply:
Are you okay with us posting pictures and/or videos of your event to help grow our social media?
Give us your social handles if you want to be tagged in social posts. Be sure to follow the studio  @StompingGroundStudio
Liability waivers must be signed by all participants. Please have everyone digitally sign our waiver here before arriving to the studio. 

If you are planning a surprise party, your honorary person can sign the waiver when they arrive at the studio after the surprise has been unveiled.
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A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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